Page 33 of Crank (Crank 1)

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easily behind my teeth,

and her words melted

between my lips.

“My friends call me Bree.”

Bree? Who Was She?

And where did that name

come from? I’d probably

heard it once in my life!

Pretty name, Bree.

Okay, good call.

Confidence flooded our

brain like hormones.

Our turn. Who was he?

My friends call me Buddy.

Hardly a handle

for a white knight.

Bree asked for the name

on his birth certificate.

Mom named me Adam.

Better. We liked it. So

why didn’t he use it?

(Forgetting completely

about the Kristina thing.)

Hard name to live up to.

Not really. It isn’t hard

to fall from grace. Revisit

Genesis. Maybe I’ll go with

you. Might be fun.

You’re a strange girl.

I had to agree. What
