Page 63 of Crank (Crank 1)

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and black nightmares.

Adam folded me gently

into his arms,

kissed my sobs,

stilled my quaking.

Don’t cry, Bree. It’s okay now.

The patrol car drew

even, slowed to

a crawl, window

rolled down, inquiring.

Remember, you’re buzzed. Stay cool.

Glad he was there, scared

he was there, I dug deep

for a smile, waved

the cop away.

Come on. Let’s go home.

I Held Tight

to his shirt

all the way home,

clung fast like

a paranoid kitten.

Dad wasn’t there,

no doubt bowling

off his own buzz,

so I asked Adam in.

We stayed up all

night, smoking,

talking, I struggle

to remember

exactly what
