Page 74 of Crank (Crank 1)

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Never thought she would.

I would have stopped her.

Could I have stopped her?

My Brain Somersaulted

My heart picked up speed,

my stomach threatened

to 86 guilt,

drowning in bile.

Oh, God. I’m sorry.

Hold me.

I wrapped him tight,

hair dripping cool

around the stiffness

of his shoulders.

Not your fault.

Whose, then?

The answer, hanging

over my head like

a stubborn black cloud,

seemed obvious.


Don’t say that

I pictured Guinivere,

golden-eyed wildcat,

crumpled against the

sad, cracked cement.

Whose then?

Plenty of blame to go around.

Too much truth in that.

And I never heard a thing,
