Page 80 of Crank (Crank 1)

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bellies pushed

back through

the front door.

Not that Dad didn’t ask plenty of

questions, worthy of answers,

but how could I tell

the man who turned

his back on “daddy” status

how my life had changed?

How could I explain

gut-wrenching insights to

someone so lacking


How could I admit my

part in the current melodrama

to a psyche devoid

of guilt?

How could I share the

way my heart was breaking

when my confessor

didn’t believe

in love?

Instead We Returned to Small Talk

which is probably all we’ll ever manage,

all we’ll ever get to,

if we get to anything at all.

We couldn’t have spent more than

two hours, total, within three weeks,

tied up in trying to talk to each other.

Inter-family communication
