Page 85 of Crank (Crank 1)

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hurt, forgotten ice

kisses melting

Unhurried hands lifted

Pump. Pump. Pump

my shirt

Passion rose up in

my heart.

and a bit farther south

The monster-fueled

thigh to belly button

inferno built

Adam’s mouth moved

by trembling inch

lower, inch


p; I was ready to do it

right that very instant….

oh, so ready.

But First I Had to Pee

Passing the mirror,

I chanced a glance at Bree,

crank embers glowing behind

dilated black windows.

She didn’t look half bad,

certainly not dead and buried.

In fact, she looked quite animated.

I dropped my jeans. And guess what

I discovered, already staining my panties?

That pesky monthly visitor

who shows, unbidden, on
