Page 89 of Crank (Crank 1)

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These things make me believe

God’s a man, after all.

I Considered That

One Day and Counting

Mom called on her cell.

You ready to come home?

Don’t forget to get to the airport

at least an hour early.

Kristina? We’ve really missed you

around here.


You are coming home, aren’t you?

Your father’s a dunce, so remind him.

You are coming home, aren’t you?

Dad called from work.

I took the dayshift so we could spend

tonight together.

Want to go out to dinner?

Did you say good-bye to Buddy?


We really should spend one evening together.

The fridge is empty again.

He’s not over there boinking you, is he?

Adam called from the hospital.

Lince is off the respirator,

but still in a coma.

Can I see you this afternoon?

I’ve got a surprise for you.
