Page 101 of Glass (Crank 2)

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me. Before, I got high

as a way to socialize, to

fit in with the crowd, feel

less inhibited around guys.

This time, though, I’m

spending more and more

of my time, getting more

and more buzzed, alone.

I Tuck That Away

Into a not-so-accessible

recess of my psyche.

Everything is about to change.

I’ll be out around people more.

Mingling in crowds more.

Interacting with men more.

And I’m not talking Kevin

Stewart or Grady or Slot Man.

But first I have to get through

the challenges of this weekend.

Starting with going home and

pretending I’m a perfect mom,

a decent daughter, and a loving

sister. Leigh will arrive soon,

cheerleader in tow. We’ll all

have a wonderful dinner. (Will

anyone notice me, pushing

meat and veggies around on my plate

until everyone leaves the table?)

I won’t sleep tonight. No way.

So tomorrow I’d better turn my
