Page 113 of Glass (Crank 2)

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Leigh’s future

happiness is at stake.

Then It Dawns on Me

If high school cheerleaders

indulge in “instant pep,” college

squads probably start the party

earlier and keep it going well

after the game ends. Maybe

Heather and I have something

in common, after all.

But Leigh wouldn’t go near

the stuff, would she? Secrets

between lesbians?

Hunter’s still fussing

for attention. I go over

and take Leigh’s hand,

making sure to turn my back

to Heather. I look into

my sister’s eyes—bright

aqua, no sign of the monster

there. “Sorry. I must be

premenstrual. Come on.

I’ll introduce you to Hunter.”

I pull Leigh’s hand, then turn

back to Heather. Close

assessment of her violet-blue

eyes yields no definitive answers,

though her pupils do look dilated.

I force a wide smile.

“Guess you can come too.”
