Page 127 of Glass (Crank 2)

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too deeply. I can smell

Dad from across the room.

The girl is brave. Really

brave. Hello, Mr. Snow. I’m

Leigh’s partner, Heather.

Dad checks her out too

long. The cheerleader

facade has him completely

confused. Uh. Oh, yeah,

right. Partner, huh?

Well, knock me over with a feather.

I told you once before

my dad was the King

of Cliché. And when

it comes to tact, I’m

pretty sure it isn’t listed

in his internal dictionary.

Linda Sue

Stands next to Dad, mouse

brown hair hanging in long

knobby ropes well past her

shoulders. Somewhere beneath

a thick sheet of makeup hides

a quite pretty woman.

After a silent minute or two

it becomes clear Dad isn’t

much for introductions either.

Finally his new attachment

says, Hello. I’m Linda Sue.

Sorry to barge in on you—
