Page 131 of Glass (Crank 2)

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He takes Hunter gently

from my arms, and though

the smell of Dad’s crank

sweat makes me cringe,

Hunter doesn’t seem

to notice one little bit.

Despite my trepidation,

Dad looks completely

comfortable, holding

a baby. See? he says.

It ain’t rocket science.

Hunter also looks comfy

as Dad carries him back

to the living room. Check

him out, L. Looks just like me.

Linda Sue agrees, but everyone

else just stares at me like I’ve

totally lost my mind.

I’ll admit I’m slipping into

the crash zone. Only one

way I know to fix that.

Okay, Two Ways

And, all things considered,

I probably shouldn’t try

to sneak off for a walk

with the monster.

So I’ll make it through

dinner somehow (might

even manage a nibble

or three) and crash like a dead
