Page 137 of Glass (Crank 2)

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not a taste of Kristina.

First I’ve Got To

Get out the front door without

someone stopping me. One excuse

comes easily to mind. I locate

my keys and the money Dad gave

me and don’t even stop to brush

my teeth or hair. [Ugly picture!]

I hear everyone in the kitchen.

Perfect. “I’ll be right back,” I call,

stowing the excuse for later.

I go straight for my car, jam

the key into the ignition, and as

I back out, I notice Mom at

the door, hands on hips. Her lips

are moving, but I wave and keep

going. Within a quarter mile

my cell rings. Caller ID says it’s

Mom, and I consider letting

it go to voice mail. Better not.

“Hi, Mom. Yes, I know I was rude.

Yes, I’m grateful Leigh volunteered

to get up with Hunter. Yes, I know

we’ve got lots to do today. Yes, I

understand how important tomorrow

is. Where am I going?” [Thought

she’d never ask!] “I woke up

majorly on the rag and out of

tampons. Had to get some ASAP.”

She mentions the obvious—
