Page 149 of Glass (Crank 2)

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One long, deep inhale up the right

nostril, followed by another up the left.

Oh, it’s been a very long time. Probably

a good thing the purity is only maybe

60 percent. My nose complains,

anyway. [I’m complaining. I want ice.]

Oh, yeah, says Dad. That’s what I’m

talking about. Hey, L., how about you?

The fairy shakes her head. I don’t

know. I don’t like being high in public.

You’ll be fine. Everyone’s high in Reno

on Saturday night, right, little girl?

“I haven’t been out on Saturday night

in a long time, but I doubt it’s changed

much since the last time. It’s definitely

an up-all-night kind of town.”

See? He slides the tray under her

face. Anyway, tonight’s a special night.

A girl only turns eighteen once, you

know. Let’s give her a night on the town.

I’ll never forget the first night Dad

gave me a “night on the town.”

Only it was really Adam that gave

it to me. Dad just tagged along.

And we didn’t go anywhere except

the back room of a bowling alley.

Too many ghosts in that memory.

Oh, well. A few more lines [even

half-ass lines], I probably won’t care.

In fact, I’m almost there already.
