Page 153 of Glass (Crank 2)

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Of course, it’s Saturday night—

actually Sunday morning now—

and the casinos are raking it in,

so losing a little to Dad doesn’t

mean much. Besides, if no one

won, no one would ever play.

Anyway, beyond watching

Dad, I’m watching people.

It’s amazing to see how eager

they are to exit Reno totally

broke. So many ATM machines,

so little time to drain them dry!

Dealers in black slacks and white

shirts. Cocktail waitresses

in tight, tiny skirts and super-

deep necklines. Janitors, in jump-

suits and spit-shined shoes.

Scowling pit bosses in perfect

tuxedoes. They’re all fun to watch—

covertly, of course—as they go

about their nightly business.

People-watching in casinos

is completely consuming.

And it’s only by accident

that it doesn’t consume a very

important moment in Hunter’s

little baby lifetime.

See, It’s Hard to Tell

If it’s nighttime or day

when you’re inside
