Page 189 of Glass (Crank 2)

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Soaped and watered

away, hair neatly combed,

makeup completely gone,

Trey takes me [and a whole

lot of crystal] back to my car.

He kisses me one more time.

Careful driving home. It’s pretty

late. The cops will be on the prowl.

He guides me into my c


I’ll be in touch soon, okay?

I look up into his eyes, hoping

to find honesty. But I realize

I’m not completely sure what

honesty is. Not honesty between

a guy and a girl, anyway. “Okay.”

I drive home, thinking about

honesty. I drive home, thinking

about possibilities. I drive home,

thinking about rediscovery. I drive

home, sifting thoughts of Trey.

Always, in the Past

I’ve measured the seasons by holidays,

how we spend them. This year, so close

on the heels of the birthday/baptism

fiasco, and with Hunter still too young

to care, Halloween was a non-event.

We stayed home, no trick-or-treaters

in sight. Never are up here on the hill.

Still, Mom always
