Page 191 of Glass (Crank 2)

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At Least Kevin Won’t Be in Today

Apparently even perverts

celebrate Thanksgiving.

And oh, is he ever

the pervert.

I hate when he comes

into the store, all steamy

and leering. Hate that he

won’t leave me alone.

His back room “chats”

now include touchy-

feely games.

But I don’t

know how to make

him back off. I need

the paycheck, don’t

want to piss him off

by telling him he makes

me want to hurl. I think

he knows I’m high, think

he’s high himself,

and that makes him even

more determined to back

me into a corner. Literally.

So far I’ve managed

to extricate myself without

getting physical, relying

on what’s left of my brain

to use a little humor,

crack jokes about my baby
