Page 197 of Glass (Crank 2)

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so I know Brad and his daughters

have returned safely home.

Safe. That’s how I feel. Safely home,

in Trey’s arms. And some stupid

part of me mumbles, “I love you.”

He moves and I wonder if he’ll

get out of bed, make that wide U-ey.

Instead, a rain of soft kisses falls

over me. And suddenly, we’re making

love again. Sweaty, wonderful, don’t-

want-to-sleep-anyway love. When we

finish, Trey props himself on one elbow,

looks into my eyes, kisses my forehead

and says, I love you, too, Kristina.

I’ve only ever said that to one girl

before. Maryann Murphy. We were

twelve and I had this major crush on her.

Still dazed by his declaration,

I smile at this confession. “And

what did Maryann say to you?”

He laughs. She said, “Eyew! Gross!”

Damaged me for a long time. He pulls

me back into his arms. Fix me.

I Must Have Dozed Off

Because I wake to an assault

of midmorning sun and,

somewhere close (outside?),

children’s laughter. It takes

several long seconds to

remember where I am, all
