Page 21 of Glass (Crank 2)

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until you finish school,

is Mom’s deal. If you go on to

college, the two of you

can stay as long as you like.

It’s a pretty good arrangement,

mostly because I know jack

about babies. Mom’s expertise

comes in handy, especially

in the middle of the night.

More than once, she has shaken

me awake. Hunter’s crying.

I’ll change him. You feed him.

Who knew babies could

be so obnoxious, wanting

to eat at all hours, that is?

Most of the time, my nipples

feel like puppy chew toys.

Breast-feeding isn’t easy. But you

want to give him a good start.

A good, healthy start. I know

that, of course, and figure

I owe him at least that much.

Still, I wake up every morning

exhausted, wondering

how I can make it through

the day, let alone how I’ll

manage to study for my GED.

I try to avoid mirrors. I gained

forty pounds with my pregnancy,

and Hunter only weighed in at
