Page 217 of Glass (Crank 2)

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I hate when someone has an

unshakeable alibi. “Oh. Sorry.

It’s just that I really needed you.”

Apology accepted. And I promise

to try to call more often, okay?

Anyway, it’s almost semester break.

Two weeks and counting down.

Am I done being mad at him?

For now, I guess. Thinking

about being with him again

has got me feeling a little

antsy. “Can’t wait to see you.”

Me too. Hey, tell Brad everything’s

jake, okay? And let me know how

you’re doing. Love you, Kristina.

I hope so. I need him

more than ever right now.

“I love you, too, Trey.”

Life at Brad’s

Isn’t bad. I mean, I’ve got

this great room, utilities

included; easy access to

the best ice in Reno (not to

mention a cool place to smoke it);

and I’m pretty much free

to do exactly as I please.

Okay, I do need to work

because I promised Brad

fifty dollars a week—not bad.

I’ve been driving all the way
