Page 245 of Glass (Crank 2)

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in his arms again, and wake, skin to skin.

Just thinking about it breaks me out in a cold

sweat, sends quivers through me, all the way to the

very center of me. How long has it been? Only a few

weeks? It seems an eternity. They say the best things in life

are worth waiting for, but patience is not my best thing. Still,

he’s coming, and will be here in just a few short hours. So I’ll do

my best to sit here,

arms crossed. Yes,

it’s going to be an

extremely merry

Christmas after all.

Around Four P.M.

The phone rings and I rush

to answer. It has to be Trey, and

I need to hear his voice, closer now.

Kristina? It’s only Mom. What’s

the game plan? Should I come pick you

up for Christmas Eve services?

Christmas Eve services? A yearly

family ritual. But I can’t leave.

Not now. “Uh, sorry, Mom. I have to

take care of the girls.” A lie. A big

fat lie, and on Christmas Eve! “Oh,

did I tell you I’m their nanny now?”

Hugely pregnant pause. No, I

guess you forgot to mention that.

Well, what about tomorrow?

Tomorrow? Christmas. Presents

and dinner with the family. And Hunter.
