Page 273 of Glass (Crank 2)

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and humor, which I tap into. “In

fact, I could probably eat you.”

He laughs. I’ll keep that

in mind. Maybe for dessert?

Anyway, we’re watching

Harry Potter. Come on down

and join us, if you want.

Meanwhile, I’ll let the girls

know you haven’t left like

their mother, after all.

I Still Haven’t Left

Five weeks since Trey went

back to school, and life as a nanny

has become the status quo.

It isn’t really hard most

of the time. LaTreya leaves

for school at eight A.M.

Devon is in P.M. kindergarten.

She catches the bus at eleven.

The two ride home together.

So I have several hours each day

to myself. Funny thing is, except

for the easy supply of meth,

life isn’t much different here

than it was at home. I still get up,

have breakfast [or not], study

for my GED, which I plan to take

next month. Only now I care for

for a stranger’s children instead

of my own baby. Okay, that’s not
