Page 277 of Glass (Crank 2)

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I know he means for a couple

of tokes, but something else

creeps into my warped brain.

“I’m always in the mood.”

He smiles, and shows off his new

stash, as good as or better than the last.

I’ve been thinking things

through for a while. After

several very smooth hits,

I say, “You know I’m tight

on cash. I was hoping maybe

I could off a little for you, in

exchange for some personal.”

His response is long, slow.

Do you know people who you

can trust? I mean, you’ve been

out of the loop for a while now,

and I have to be very careful.

He is very careful, has to be because

of his kids, and I understand that.

“Yeah, I know a couple of guys

who’d go ballistic if they saw

meth of this quality. Don’t worry.

I’d keep you my bestest secret.”

He grins. I trust you, Kristina.

I just want you to be careful too.

You’re the best nanny in Reno.

I can’t imagine being without you.

We share a couple more bowls,

then he stands, kisses me on the cheek.
