Page 298 of Glass (Crank 2)

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with the steering wheel

and all, but I’m game

if you are. He’s a nervy

bastard, I’ll give him that.

He smiles a Yeah, so?

Stay cool. He brought

money. “Thanks for

the offer, but I’ve got

someone waiting.”

Then he says something

completely unexpected.

I saw your mom with your

baby the other day.

I knew it was your mom

because she looks like you.

I knew it was your baby

because he looks…

He can’t know. I won’t

let him. I’ll deny it until

the day I die—or he does.

I hold my breath.

…like you, too.

Too Close for Comfort

Time to go before we get any closer.

“So, how much do you want?

Uh, how much ice do you want?”

He smiles. I’ll take a ball,

if you’ll front it to me.

Okay, now I’m just pissed. “Sorry,

cash and carry. Godammit, I
