Page 300 of Glass (Crank 2)

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[Double ditto.]

Sometimes the little things

in life mean the most.

[Everything in your

life is little.]

Would you get the fuck

out of here? I can’t double-

think everything.

[Split personalities

are indeed a bitch.]

Am I totally schizo?

[Close. But there’s

a bigger question.]

Oh, yeah?

Like what?

[Which half is the real you?]

Wired (Weird) Out of My Tree

I won’t eat tonight.

Won’t sleep tonight.

Won’t want to deal

with inane questions,

prime-time TV, or Barbie.

Luckily, Brad has fed

the girls, bathed the girls,

and they’re playing

quietly in their room.


What I’m focused on

now is Trey, and when

[if] he’ll arrive. I sit in
