Page 307 of Glass (Crank 2)

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up, touch the gestating lump.

I start to sit up, but my head spins

and I fumble back against the floor.

Trey strokes my cheek, moves

my hair from my eyes. Stay still.

Stay? Like a dog? Monstrous

anger grips me, shakes me.

Are you cold? He jumps to his

feet, runs into the bedroom.

I use the time to try my legs,

which refuse to cooperate.

Back comes Trey, blanket in hand.

Please don’t move, Kristina.

I reach down inside, find Bree,

grab her strength. “Leave me alone.”

Flip onto my belly. Push to my knees.

I’m shaky. But damnit, I’ll stand.

Trey steadies me best as he can.

You are so fucking stubborn.

Stubborn. Aching. Straight out

pissed and the worst thing is,

I have zero reason to be. Well,

other than the fact that the monster

coldcocked me and I feel like

a steaming pile of manure.

Brad Has Vacated the Room

Trey helps me across the


stretch of carpet, to the

