Page 333 of Glass (Crank 2)

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But he doesn’t use, so don’t

even go there. He opens the

door, slips from beneath the

wheel, and I follow him inside.

Furnishings are sparse. We

sit around a small card table.

Brad handles the introductions,

and Cesar regards me carefully.

After a few tense moments, he

nods, deciding I’m not the heat.

I don’t deal less than quarter

pounds, and won’t front until

I know you’re a regular. Then

we can talk. How much today?

His eyes travel back and forth

between Brad and me.

A quarter pound? Holy shit.

Brad never mentioned that.

I don’t have that kind of money.

Do my eyes reflect the terror I

feel? We’ll take a quarter.

Brad produces a wad of cash.

Apparently, we’re now partners.

Cesar shrugs and goes into the

other room. We’ll split the

profit, okay? says Brad.

Move the quarter, you’ll

have plenty of cash to score.

I hope he’s willing to share

his customer list too. I need
