Page 353 of Glass (Crank 2)

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I notice Mom start

to cry. She loves him.

But I love him too.

On the way back

to the apartment,

Trey detours east,

to the Pink Pussycat.

One quick delivery and

we’re on our way,

two hundred dollars

in the black, plenty

to buy formula and

diapers for a week.

Baby Makes Three

And even though he’s

little, his presence in this

cramped one-bedroom

makes the place even

more claustrophobic.

Seems he’s always

underfoot, unless he’s

in his porta-crib. And

unless he’s sleeping,

he’s not happy there.

Trey says we’ll have

to get a bigger place,

and to do that he

needs to get a job,

one he can list on

an application. He’s
