Page 367 of Glass (Crank 2)

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Plan B

Revolves around that we need

money. Lots of it and fast.

Three possible ways to

come up with it.


Not really my style. I mean,

I suppose I could call Mom,

tell her I can’t even afford food.

But would she believe me,

and would she care even if she did?


I could maybe call Leigh, ask for

a loan until payday, lie and tell

her there really is a payday

coming up soon. But she’s not

exactly rolling in money herself.

Or steal.

I’ve never considered this option

before. Course, I never had to.

Would I even be good at it?

Who would I steal from?

And afterward, would I feel

no remorse?

One Thing’s for Sure

If I’m going to steal, Trey has to be

in on it. This is his fault to begin with.

“So, any ideas how we might come

up with some cash, uh, illegally?”

You mean like counterfeiting?
