Page 371 of Glass (Crank 2)

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I locate the box, dig down for

the bottom batch. Let’s go!

insists Trey. But I want to make

this look real, so I go into Mom’s

bedroom, empty her jewelry box

and, for good measure, grab

the digital camera, too. Out the

door, no one the wiser. For now.

We even stop by the game. Fifth

inning, Jake has been replaced.

And we’re too wired for dinner.

Mom Can’t Have a Clue

About what we just did,

where we just came from.

But she definitely knows we’re high.

She gives Hunter to Scott, pulls me down

the steps, behind the bleachers.

Trey stays behind.

Mom puts her hands on my

cheeks, squeezes as she looks

into my eyes. I can imagine how they look.

God, Kristina. Look at you. If you keep

this up, you’re going to die.

Are you trying to die?

I can’t look that bad, can

I? [You can. Do. But play

the game. Deny.] “What do you mean?”

Concern becomes anger. You know what

I mean. Jesus. How stupid

do you think I am? I know
