Page 383 of Glass (Crank 2)

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a beginning?

I wish I could feel. Or maybe

not. If I could, I would feel loss.

Hunter. Mom. Jake. Leigh. Even

Scott, who has always been there

for me.

They say meth affects the brain.

Destroys the pleasure center.

Could it smash the pain center too?

Would feeling pain be better than

feeling numb?


Out of Nevada, we touch down

in California. Unsure of where to go

from here, we decide we need food.

McD’s okay? We should

probably eat cheap for a while.

We’re on a downswing.

Sleepy. Hungry. Empty. “Cheap

is good, as long as there’s a lot of it.”

Ronald would be proud.

Big Macs and fries, times two?

“Times two, twice.” Fuck it.

I can invest a few calories. Not

like I’ve eaten a whole lot lately.

Okay. But you know I’m not

real fond of Two-Ton-Tessies.

“Love me fat, love me skinny.

Just keep loving me. Hey,

sounds like a song. Love me—”
