Page 46 of Glass (Crank 2)

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would have turned out differently.

Then again, maybe not.

Either Way

I decide not to stop by.

My mom told me Quade plays

bass in a metal band, so he

probably isn’t as straight

as he used to be. Just like

me. Still, I have a destination.

I jot a reminder in my

mental notebook to look up

Quade one day very soon.

This time, maybe I’ll just

let him kiss me. I most

definitely know how.

In fact, thinking about it

is starting to make me

want it. I haven’t let myself

even consider going out

with a guy since Hunter

was born. Men are trouble.

But what the hell? I’m

looking for trouble right

now, aren’t I? And one

kind of trouble will

likely lead to another,

at least eventually.

The more I focus on that

kind of trouble, the better

it’s starting to sound.
