Page 68 of Glass (Crank 2)

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to pounce when I walk

through the door? Has she gone

to sleep, assuming I stayed

overnight and forgot

the cell phone in my purse?

Cell phone! I yank it out,

and sure enough, there’s

a voice mail message

waiting for me. When you

get this, please call and let

us know you’re safe. I don’t

care what time it is. Mom

is pissed, and rightly so.

I look at the time. Two

twenty. Screw it, I’d better

call. Mom answers on

the second ring. Hello?

Kristina, is that you?

Who else would it be? “Yes,

it’s me. I’m fine. I stayed

late at Robyn’s, decided

to come on home. No worries.

I’ve had gallons of coffee.”

No worries? Kristina Georgia

Snow! Have you no consideration

whatsoever for your family?

We’ve been so worried!

One simple phone call…

She’s right. Of course she is.

But I don’t feel like giving much
