Page 83 of Glass (Crank 2)

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go to find the offending bell.

I don’t get there quickly

enough. Hunter wakes

at the alarm, and by the time

I reach the phone, nap-wet

baby soaking one arm,

the caller is midmessage.

…haven’t been out your way

in a long time. I figured

your eighteenth birthday

was a good excuse. Besides,

I want to see my grandson

while he’s still a baby. We

should hit Reno on the twenty-

eighth, so

save a few hours

to celebrate with your old man.

My Dad

Is coming for

a visit?

(Why now, after

all these years?)

And not just

any visit,

but on the weekend

of my birthday,

when Leigh is

also coming for

an unexpected visit.

Leigh, who still
