Page 85 of Glass (Crank 2)

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his face around here,

not after last year. And as for

his wanting to play “grandpa,”

I really don’t think so!

I’m conflicted about his plans.

I want no confrontations, no bad

blood. (Especially not if it’s going

to be spilled in the baptismal

fount, or over the icing on

my birthday cake!)

But, despite everything that

went down over my summer

in Albuquerque, I want to see

Dad again. He’s a freak, true,

and a piss-poor father.

But he still belongs to me.

Mom Is Still Ranting

And suddenly she seems to intuit

my inner turmoil, which only

serves to make her angrier still.

You can’t want him to come

here, Kristina? Do you really

want him to spoil this special day?

What can I say but the truth?

“Why does he have to spoil

anything, Mom? You’ve been

divorced, like, forever. Can’t

you bury the hatchet—and not

literally? Can’t you just let it go?”

Hunter starts to fuss—he’s still
