Page 106 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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drop everything and go. Why?

“Uh …” Santa’s sleigh just

crashed. “Nothing. I thought

I might see you guys at the parade

tomorrow is all. I’ve got a remote.”

Not this year. Sorry. You know

how Nevada Day traffic is,

and I want to be available

in case your mom needs me.

“No prob, Dad. I understand.

Tell Mom I love her, okay?”

And, not quite an afterthought,

“Hey, Dad? Love you, too.”


Spills across the floor. Nikki

trails it into the blind-darkened

room, drying her long golden hair.

Backlit by the bathroom glow,

her silhouette belongs to an angel.

A Victoria’s Secret angel, but still …

Her voice holds a hint of incredulity.

Did you just tell your dad you love him?

My eyes burn, but I force a laugh.

“Why? Does that surprise you?”

Not the loving him part. The telling him

part. She sits on the bed. What’s wrong?

I don’t like to discuss the Kristina

crumbs of my life. Not even with Nikki.

“I scored some David Cook tickets for

tomorrow night. Mom is a fan. But she had
