Page 121 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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to what Cherie has to say,

and not that I’ve really

discussed my feelings

with her, except to half

answer her nosy questions.

He’s really cute, isn’t he?

You really like him, huh?

Well, duh and duh. But I say,

“Yeah, he is. And wouldn’t you?”

Did he ask you out yet?

Did he kiss you yet?

“No and no.” Just thinking

about kissing him makes me

nervous. All I know about kissing

is what I’ve seen in the movies.

Still, I have to admit the idea

does intrigue me more than a little.

I try to look nonchalant about

how I feel. But it must be obvious

to anyone with eyes how

I can’t keep my own eyes

off Bryce. It’s like my irises

are made of iron and

he’s a head-to-toe magnet.

That’s not hard to understand.

He’s adorable. Smart. Funny.

What I really don’t get

at all, though, is why

the attraction is mutual.

Bryce is caviar. I am
