Page 141 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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in mind. I shrug. “Anywhere.”

He grins. Anywhere it is.

He starts the truck, which

hums gently. Well-tuned.

We bump down the dirt

track, turn onto the blacktop

away from town, toward

the state park. The road

winds along the Kern River.

Ever rafted this section?

I shake my head. “Heard

it’s fast through here.” I don’t

mention my water paranoia.

I’ll take you in the spring.

It’s more than fast. It’s ball-

shrinking crazy. And cold.

I laugh. “I’ll take your word

for it.” I look over at him,

can’t help but stare at his

incredible physique. Only

problem is, he catches me.

What? Something wrong?

“No.” Is he kidding? Just

being here so close to him

makes everything, “Perfect.”

It’s close to an invitation.

Kyle takes the opportunity

to ask, So what got into you?

I understand the question,

but pretend I don’t. “What do
