Page 160 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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So much for pharming. At least

for tonight. I reach into my

pocket, fish around for

something paper, find a receipt to

wrap the still unidentified pills

in. Who knows when I might

need them? I text back: On my way,

chug my beer. Why waste

good brew? “Gotta go,” I say.

As if anyone really cares.


Five a.m. Five? Oh, crap. I knew

working mornings was going to

suck. It’s still dark outside, for

cripe’s sake. Dark, and the bed

is warm. Warm with Nikki.

Might as well wake her up too.

She comes out of her dreams,

into my arms, and I already know

waking her will be the very best

part of this day. “I love you,”

I tell her, once and again, as

a hint of pale morning appears.

Nikki stays in bed as I go to

shower, turn the water hot to fight

the house’s chill. I’m shivering

into a towel when she calls,

Hey. What about my car?

As she waits for an answer,

anger blossoms. Not her fault,
