Page 211 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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party, crystal 24-7. Hard to walk

away from that. And you know

the crystal scene. Shit makes you

horny as hell. Everyone screwing

everyone. Only when me and Kristina

hooked up, we had chemistry.

Thought for sure it was love, but

you think all kinds of crazy shit

when you’re tweaking. Trey came

home from a score and found us

mid-dirty. And that’s pretty much

how I met your mom and lost

my best friend. Now can I eat?


The rest of his burger, and since

I’m no longer hungry, I push

my plate across the table, watch

him finish my Thanksgiving dinner.

“Can we please go now?”

He doesn’t seem to understand

(or maybe just doesn’t care) how

this disclosure (yes, I asked for it)

has rocked me. Torpedoed me.

Can I please finish my beer first?

I don’t look at him or Kortni

as I consider what this means

to me. Why didn’t anyone ever

tell me I have a sister somewhere?

Mom never once mentioned her.

And then there’s the whole part
