Page 218 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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is she threw herself on

her knees. Right in front of me.

It may have been my first

oral experience, but she for sure

had a fair bit of practice.

All she asked for in return was

a signed Marie Haskins

book. I told Mom it was for a sick

girl. Not far from the truth.


Elicits a lustful smile. Montana

can’t help but take notice.

Wow. Thinking about

Christmas presents just now?

“Not Christmas, but definitely

a gift worth remembering.”

The grin she returns is knowing,

even if she is only guessing.

Then she flips back into announcer

mode. Speaking of Christmas presents,

Hunter, look who’s coming down

the street right now! Anticipation

bloats the crowd. “You mean

that jolly old elf himself, Montana?”

That’s right. Here comes Santa,

and … has he been working out?

The kids all strain to see svelte

Santa. “I think you’re right. Who

would believe it? Santa and the missus

must have a membership at Gold’s Gym!”
