Page 269 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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in front of me, and her cool hand felt

my forehead. Nope. No fever. That’s

good, anyway. So …

Her look was apologetic,

like she should have asked sooner.

How was your day? See some great

talent? Any randomness?

I sipped the rich chocolate.

“There were a couple of pretty

good singers. Lots of not-good singers.

Randomness? Some.”


Was typical Nikki.

Maybe you should just

let it go. You’re not sure,

anyway, right?

I had to admit I wasn’t

sure. And also, “Not being

sure about him means

not being sure about me.”

She sidled up behind me,

slid her arms around

my neck. Doesn’t matter.

I’m sure about you.

That kind of trite remark

always irritates me. “Easy

for you to say. You know

who your parents are.”

Her arms fell away, and

I expected an angry retort,
