Page 292 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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try. Nothing. Not even a dry heave.

Guess I’m okay. No time for a shower,

I splash my face. Makeup? No time.

I make time for mouthwash, stay

in my rumpled clothes. Not trying

to impress anyone, anyway, right?

Room key in my pocket. Out the door.

Twenty-four hours, it will all be over.


Aunt Cora and I get to the church

ten minutes late. Everyone else

is already there, waiting. Pacing.

Talk about nerves! Liam looks

green, although he’s trying to

hide it. He and the preacher

stand off to one side. Aunt

Cora goes to join them. Let

the rehearsal begin! The wedding

party gathers as the minister starts

a blessing. I bow my head, close

my eyes. Someone taps my shoulder.

Micah! Why didn’t I make time for

makeup? Suddenly, midst long-

winded prayer, my breathing goes

shallow and my hands tingle.

I haven’t done this in weeks.

Micah sees. Is it me? he whispers.

I need air. How do I get out

of here? But just as my feet start

to move, the amen stops them.
