Page 300 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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brimming confusion. Daughter?

Autumn, is he saying he’s your father?

Because you told me …

I told him my parents were dead.

Why did I ever say that? Because

I never believed I’d have to tell

him the truth. “I—I’m sorry. It’s just …”

Grandfather, who has no idea

who Bryce is, or what I said to him,

nevertheless attempts rescue.

He’s never been a father to her.

Trey steps toward Grandfather,

on a collision course. And you,

old man, were never a father to me.


Light-year speed toward implosion.

Guests are turning around in their seats,

wondering what the commotion is.

The ushers push closer, suspecting trouble.

The minister bobs this way and that,

unsure of what to do next. Grandfather

and Trey are close to blows, and

Maureen is clucking like an old hen.

Bryce and Micah are measuring each

other, and the situation. Liam sputters,

then runs off to tell Aunt Cora that things

are going to hell. “Stop it!” I plead.

“You’re ruining Aunt Cora’s day. Can’t

all this wait? Can’t we at least pretend

to be a family, for her sake?” Silence
