Page 329 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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but outside, too. It

started to snow four

days ago. And it just

keeps on coming down.

Semester break, no

classes for three weeks,

I only have to worry

about driving for my

air shifts. Holidays

mean the “stars” go

home too, so I’m

pulling a few extra.

But mostly, if for no

other reason than to get

out of the guest room,

I’m helping Mom with

her Christmas stuff.

Decorating. Wrapping.

Baking cookies, even.

That’s what we’re doing

now. She tried to get

the boys to help. But

Donald thinks it’s lame.

And David prefers the pup.


Someone wants to play with Sasha,

I guess. She’s at that gangly stage—

all floppy feet and squirrelly tail,

wagging into the cupboards while

Mom and I measure flour and sugar
