Page 369 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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was totally not going to disrupt

his new marriage, refused

to believe his own daughter.

It took a trusted teacher to

call in the authorities. Proof

wasn’t difficult to come by.

Yet it was Simone whose life

was disrupted. Simone who

had to move out of her home,

into foster care. Simone whose

childhood was stolen. Innocence

eroded into nightmare. All because

of very bad touch. Love, corrupted.


But it was Simone’s story, and once

she shared it, she felt more than

connected to me. She felt chained.

Like if I left her sight, her secrets

might go with me. Like once she gave

them away, they weren’t hers anymore?

Not like I wanted them. Not like I asked

for the responsibility of keeping them.

I’ve got enough secrets of my own.

One of which was on his way to me

from Bakersfield. And I really needed

the opportunity to head out the door

undetected. I had a couple of choices.

Confide. Or hide. I didn’t really think

we had bonded close enough to tell

her about Kyle, his impending arrival.
