Page 375 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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split on your own. Hey, do you

suppose they’ll do an Amber Alert?

God, I never thought about that.

Kidnapping? “I don’t want you

to get into trouble. Maybe you

should just take me back.”

Zero hesitation. No damn way.

I’m not sure where to go or how

we’ll get by, but one way or

another, we will be together.


Of Bakersfield, I can’t help but think

about home—Dad’s sorry old place.

Empty right now is my guess, with

Dad in lockup and Kortni most likely

working. Just in case, I make a test

call. No answer. “Take me home, okay?”

I don’t think that’s such a good idea.

Why do you want to go there? But as

we near the exit, he slows down.

“I want to leave a note, tell them

I haven’t been kidnapped. And I know

where Kortni stashes her mad money.”

He hesitates, considers the note.

Just say you’re okay. Maybe that

you were afraid living back there.

Good idea. Even if Walter didn’t

do anything, making them think

he might have is a good excuse

for taking off. And it just might
