Page 380 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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But I think we’ll have to sleep in my truck,

at least until I can make enough money

to get us a place. It’s going to be cold up

there. We’ll need two good sleeping bags.

A little food. Cereal. Jerky. Nuts.

Or maybe trail mix. Water. Flashlight

and spare batteries. Toilet paper.

Toilet paper? Seriously? Logistically,

this is terrifying. I’m not exactly

a mountain man (woman?). But I go

along, hoping we don’t blow our entire

money stash. We hurry the cart

through the store. As we pass

the feminine products section, it hits

me that maybe it’s the right time

of the month to consider tampons.

But how do I buy them with Kyle?

How do I manage a period camped

out in the bitter-cold wilderness?

My resolution to make this happen


falters. But then I look at Kyle,

who is totally determined to see it

through. I grab the tampons,

throw them into the cart. And,

knowing my body the way I do,

I add a small bottle of generic

ibuprofen. Last thing Kyle needs

is to hear me bitch about cramps.

I blush when he smiles at my
