Page 413 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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against moonlighted window glass.

I love you, he sighed along

my skin. And I love you,

desert wind blown into my hair.

And when we were finished,

we drew into each other’s

arms, warmed within our harbor.

Something happened in

the night, happened as we

dreamed. Something unexpected.

For on awakening, blinking into

the murky dawning, needful love

had transformed into blissful love.


With sleeping under the Christmas

star. Yeah, I know it’s actually a planet

or something. And I know if it were

really the Christmas star, it would

be shining tonight. But whatever it is,

this morning it looked like a platinum-

set diamond in the lightening sky.

I burrowed into Kyle’s body heat,

ignoring the quite randy smell.

“If you believe in wishing on stars,

you’ll never get a better chance,” I said.

“That one belongs to Christmas.”

I have to believe in wishes, or

I wouldn’t be here with you. Right?

Then he laughed. Even if you don’t

exactly smell like roses. Phew!
