Page 417 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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You’re running on empty.”

I know. I’ll try. It’s just the last

of the shit in my system making

me queasy. He does force down

a few bites while I polish off

the butter-slathered biscuit Jeanine

returns with. “A good night’s sleep

in a big ol’ bed will make you

feel better,” I predict. “Tomorrow

is Christmas. Our first one together.”

The thought seems to brighten

his mood. Our first, but definitely

not our last. And look … He points

toward the window. It’s going to

be a white Christmas. My first

one of those, too. Outside, wisps

of snow have begun to fall. “Maybe

we’d better get going. It would

be good to get there before dark.”


By the time we’re on the road. It’s not

all that late in the day yet, but the peaks

to the west are tall, and as the sun dips

below them, its failing light is swallowed

up by hastening snowfall. Glad Mammoth

isn’t too far. The food Kyle managed

to get down seems to have helped

his system recover some. His color

is better, his energy level higher.

Hurray for meat loaf and biscuits!
