Page 438 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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I knew it would come to an end.

Just didn’t know how quickly.

At least we’re alive. Relatively

unscathed. It could have ended

a whole lot worse. Kyle will have

to stay in the hospital a couple

of days. Long enough for his dad

to collect him. Oh my God.

He was pissed. But not nearly

as pissed as he would have been

had Kyle’s blood work shown

him to be under the influence.

And, despite what Kyle believes,

beneath his dad’s overt anger,

a large dose of relief was obvious.

I may not be in a position to judge,

but I think he cares about Kyle.

As for me, bruises. Contusions.

But no broken bones. Nothing

punctured or torn. You were

exceptionally lucky, the ER nurse

said. Good thing you buckled up.

Damn good thing, actually. Also

good they let me stay here overnight.

Waiting room chairs aren’t the most

comfortable things to snooze in,

but they’re better than the kind

that come with too many questions.

Like those in police stations.

I get up from the one I’ve been
