Page 47 of Fallout (Crank 3)

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two grandparents take away

one equals zero. Anyway,

words and numbers have

always been easy for me.

And even without people

who care, my grades rock.

Matt, who is clueless

about much more than

my relatively curvy

exterior, likes to tease

me. Who knew a brainiac

could be so much fun?

is one of his favorite

lines. “Fun,” meaning

I let him cop regular

feels of those curves.

He knows I take all AP

classes, but somehow

has no real idea just

how brainy I am. Okay

by me. It’s an advantage.



The alarm blares again.

Second snooze cycle?

Third? Behind my eyelids,

morning is bright. Eightish?

I roll over and open one eye.

Almost nine. Damn. Up I go.

I’ve got to land an earlier
